Into the Elements
Horses & Healing
Welcome to Into the Elements! This space was created for people to gather resources and build connection with nature, animals (especially horses), and a deeper level of self. The benefits of these connections on our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness are fascinating, and seemingly limitless. It is our mission to support people to discover the practices that are most in alignment with their own goals; building skills, creating self awareness, and finding joy for both themselves and their animal companion. To that end, we offer services outdoors year round, where clients have the opportunity to relax, de-stress, and get intentional about how they want to show up.
We believe in a holistic approach to healing, horsemanship, and life in general, and have accumulated a lot of valuable information throughout our family members' own journeys. What we offer doesn't cover everything that we have studied and trained in, instead our services are the ones that we are the most excited to share, the tools that made the biggest impact on our own lives, and in an ideal world, the skills we believe everyone should have access to. ​There is no one size fits all approach to life, and we support each individual on their own path, to rediscover their own magic. These experiences help people learn more about horses and nature, more about the energetic aspects of life, and most importantly, more about themselves.
As we develop our property, we will continue to add offerings and experiences, working steadily on our evolving vision alongside our beautiful herd.

We are of nature - of the earth and sky, the seas and stars. Yet we live in a world of duality, often forgetting how important it is for us to live from this foundational part of ourselves. Through time in nature with other sentient beings, we begin to ground and heal, and to find ourselves in an entirely new state of mind. We rediscover that we are fundamentally soulful by nature.
The benefits of being in nature, whether wild or manicured, are so powerful that many countries' medical systems not only acknowledge them, but are prescribing time outdoors as part of a treatment plan for anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and the many other conditions that so pervasively plague our society. The same goes for time with animal companions. In this age of technology, we are collectively recognizing the importance of the simple things that bring joy and happiness to life.
The current statistics say that the average North American, both children and adults, spends 93% of their days indoors, whether in a building or in a vehicle. We help people change that statistic in their own lives and get back outside, touching the earth, feeling the sun, the wind, the rain, and the snow. Throughout all of our offerings there are the common threads of embracing and reconnecting with the natural, energetic, elemental side of life, while improving personal health and wellness.
We do not view horses as tools or pets, but rather teachers, family members and companions who expand our experience of life, creating something far richer than we would otherwise have. They give us an amazing gift by working in partnership with us in relationships that are without and beyond words. Simply occupying the same space as horses can have profound impacts on our physical bodies and emotional wellbeing, and when we engage in the many and varied aspect of horsemanship and equine assisted activities, the joy we can find is limitless. These beautiful animals, if we let them, have the capacity to enhance every aspects of our lives.
Whether it's through Horsemanship, Equine Assisted Learning, Wellness Support, Energy Medicine, or a combination of these services, we are here to support people in reaching their goals, while considering and incorporating their relationship to this beautiful earth, and all of the beings who reside here.

When we take the time to move through our lives with intention and mindfulness amazing things happen!