Into the Elements
Horses & Healing

Naturally You
Reduce Your Impact, Improve your Health and Wellness
If you're here it's probably because you're ready to embrace a more natural, eco-conscious way of living as well as learn more about your own natural rhythms, cycles and energetic connections.
The awareness that everything around us is intertwined has come back into the mainstream, and many of us are now seeking a more engaged, mindful way of existing. We have a new vision of the kind of culture we want, the kind of people we want to be, and the reality we want to create. This statement from the Pachamama Alliance sums it up beautifully:
" environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, socially just human presence on this planet — a New Dream for humanity."
In this age of growing transparency, it has become easier to see the direct results and outcomes of our personal decisions, and from there move into making new choices from an informed place. However, the amount of greenwashing and health washing that goes on in advertising often makes this challenging. How much change we make in our lives often comes down to how much time we can commit to wading through all of the information that we can find online.
The great news is that there are a multitude of ways to make this shift that can save you time, money and stress.
Naturally You will take you through a seven step process to making real change in a short amount of time. We all have unique needs, unique goals and unique areas of interest, by the end of the program you'll have the clarity you need to create your best life.

Are you:
~ Tired of feeling like your choices could be having a negative impact on your health and wellness as well as the world around you?
~ Feeling restless and uneasy about the way humans are currently living?
~ Done feeling like you are caught between two worlds - the natural and the manmade?
~ Interested in reconnecting with your energetic self and the natural world to improve your overall wellbeing?
~ Ready to finally take control of your life in order to create a sustainable, fulfilling, ethical life?
Everything in life is connected, and once we embrace that truth, we free ourselves to live from a state of alignment and freedom.
With everything that's going on in the world it's easy to become overwhelmed and paralyzed. We can be driven to inaction because we don't know where to start or what to do. No matter what health concerns we are facing, one thing has become clear through all of the studies and research done over the course of the last few decades - we are holistic beings.
Our approach to health, as well as to having a great life in general, must include all areas of our lives and all aspects of beings. We can not compartmentalize each section and attain lasting results. An overall, well balanced approach to living includes our environment and our spiritual beliefs as much as it includes what we put into our bodies.
The Naturally You program helps you take a closer look at root causes, ingrained habits, and unexamined assumptions to help you get clear on how you got where you are and where you want to go moving forward. There is not a universal right answer that will suit every person. But there is an answer for each one of us, and our goal is to help you become the version of yourself that you dream about.
We all deserve to live out loud from a place of freedom, love and alignment. We all deserve to let our soul shine!

Choose to be part of the shift towards a better future.
Getting started on the path towards a more harmonious lifestyle, coaching program will support you to gain wellness in all areas of your life with simple strategies that won't deprive you of the things you love. The world is changing, and this is a critical time to get clear and get connected. We all have a part to play in bigger picture of life, and being at optimal levels of health, wellness and connection is the best thing we can do for ourselves, our families and the earth.
Is this The right Program for you?
We aren't on this Earth to conform and fit in. We're here to experience, to enjoy, to LIVE. Paying the bills and doing the chores may be a necessary part of life, but when we are at peace with ourselves, these tasks no longer feel like a tremendous burden. And when we give ourselves the gift of moving through life with intention, amazing things happen. Synchronicities find us, opportunities show up, and seemingly miraculous occurrences become part of our lives.
Stepping forward and asking for better may not come easy to everyone, but we all have a part to play in this gigantic web of life. We all matter. We all deserve to live on our own terms, in ways that make us feel good about ourselves. Engaging from this perspective not only frees us to follow our own dreams, it allows us to see others in the same light. We cut out the competition and root for everyone to become spiritually fulfilled, while living a sustainable, socially just life.

The Naturally You Coaching program covers:
7 Steps to reducing your impact while improving your health and wellness
Step 1 - The Wonderful World Outside
Step 2 - Home Improvement For Self Improvement
Step 3 - Clean Up The Kitchen For Harmonious Eating
Step 4 - If It's On You, It's In You
Step 5 - Letting Go Of Normal & Embracing Natural
Step 6 - Flowing With Your Bodies Rhythms & Cycles
Step 7 - Connection for Self Correction
Each step includes:
Putting it into practice EXERCISES
Journaling Activities
Energy Medicine extrAS

Naturally Now
49 Day Weekly Program
Want change quickly? This fast paced option allows you to dive in and make the shifts you want right away.
Coaching sessions happen weekly, and you'll work through your program in just 7 weeks.
Program includes:
~ 7 personal coaching sessions
~ Unlimited email support over the 49 days
~ A study guide for each of the 7 Steps with:
Journaling Activities
Putting it Into Practice Exercises
Resources for further investigation
Plus tons of Energy Medicine Extras to help your energies shift as you do!
Slow & Steady
100 Day Bi- Weekly Program
Do need to take a little extra time in order to fully integrate each step?
This bi-weekly option allows you plenty of time to absorb the material and start implementing change.
We'll work through it at a pace that allows for deeper questioning and exploration between coaching sessions, while ensuring that you maintain momentum.
Program includes:
~ 7 personal coaching sessions
~ Unlimited email support over the 100 days
~ A study guide for each of the 7 Steps with:
Journaling Activities
Putting it Into Practice Exercises
Resources for further investigation
Plus tons of Energy Medicine Extras to help your energies shift as you do!

Kindred Pathways
100 Day Group Coaching
Ready to make the shift alongside your loved ones?
If you have a group of family, friends or kindred spirits who are ready to make this shift together, this is the program for you.
All of the coaching sessions will be done with all of the members of the group. To ensure that everyone has a chance to be heard and ask questions, these sessions will be extended to last 2 - 2.5 hrs.
Program includes:
~ 7 personal coaching sessions
~ Unlimited email support over the 100 days
~ A study guide for each of the 7 Steps with:
Journaling Activities
Putting it Into Practice Exercises
Resources for further investigation
Plus tons of Energy Medicine Extras to help your energies shift as you do!